We strive for freedom of transactions. One token on all chains.
Open Source Blockchain Platform

Freedom of transactions

As an economic operating system, hybrix unites all digital ledgers. Transact, store, swap, build and explore across a myriad of different ledgers all at once.

hybrix wallet code playground
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The hybrix protocol makes transactions technically borderless and not bound to a single ledger system.

An open source economic operating system for everyone

secure wallet

Our secure wallet enables you to hold, swap, send and receive assets. It supports a large amount of currencies on many different ledger systems. No need to open several accounts for different chains. Just hold, send, receive and swap EUR, USD, CNY, BTC, ETH, BNB and more all from one wallet. We keep it simple!

federated swaps

Swap currencies straight from your wallet. The hybrix wallet enables you to swap value between different systems. Try our swap mechanism and swap or move your assets to experience how easy this is! Swapping happens automatically and cross-chain, needing no cumbersome processes.

rapid development environment (RDE)

The hybrix toolkit gives developers the opportunity to speed up their workflow. Anyone can use their preferred language to develop economic federated applications! Equip your business with strong and borderless tools: fast and cost efficient cross-ledger development is now much easier, as hybrix is designed for this.

HY token

HY token is the first of its kind. Currently it can be swapped, stored, moved and traded across and between different chains. It provides a solid backbone for the secure transfer of assets across ledgers.

hybrix currently supports 20 blockchains and 28 tokens, including:

Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH) Ethereum (ETH)
Binance Chain (BNB) Binance Chain (BNB)
Ripple (XRP) Ripple (XRP)
Litecoin (LTC) Litecoin (LTC)
Nxt (NXT) Nxt (NXT)
Waves (WAVES) Waves (WAVES)

view all supported assets

Better than profit

hybrix federated apps

hybrix introduces apps and dapps for your needs! For example: interact with currencies in the hybrix wallet or in hybrix explorer. We also have a recipe editor to quickly add tokens to the hybrix ecosystem, including wallet, explorer and other hybrix free and open-source products, without the need for technical knowledge!

open and inclusive

hybrix is free-as-in-freedom, open-source, non-profit and inclusive by design. The exclusivity of projects often obstructs collaboration which is desperately needed for maturing distributed ledger technologies to bring them to real-world use cases.

decentralization for everyone

We dare to dream of a future where the benefits of decentralization and the "fediverse" are completely independent of the interests of companies.

back to the blockchain ideals

Our focus is based on blockchain ideals, and we do not seek to make a profit with our open-source codebase. We have gotten recognition from parties that have been committed to a better internet for years (SIDN & NLnet).

By design, the hybrix system is open and transparent.
Open Source Blockchain Platform

Our roadmap to borderless value

run token campaign
improve hybrix wallet
publish hybrix protocol whitepaper
activate hybrix swap system
highly configurable unified assets
frictionless swapping and complex transactions
complete application infrastructure
automated dispute mechanism
swaps from bank to crypto and vice versa
legacy and crypto ledgers allocator pilot
integrations of webshop systems
hybrix dedicated hardware devices
chainless hybrix protocol for value transfer
run token campaign
improve hybrix wallet
publish hybrix protocol whitepaper
activate hybrix swap system
highly configurable unified assets
frictionless swapping and complex transactions
complete application infrastructure
automated dispute mechanism
swaps from bank to crypto and vice versa
legacy and crypto ledgers allocator pilot
integrations of webshop systems
hybrix dedicated hardware devices
chainless hybrix protocol for value transfer
scaling economic activity to multiple communities

We are assisted, endorsed and supported by household names in the industry.

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Already curious?



The core of the hybrix platform.


hybrix node

Run a local node for complete control and support the federated network.

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Tools for development.



The API provides uniform endpoints for all supported blockchains.

icon start using the API

javascript library

A powerful library to enable development on all supported blockchains. The library handles all client side operations securely.

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Software built with hybrix.


block explorer


block explorer

The easiest way to find all your transactions.

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web wallet

Store and manage cryptocurrencies in a completely decentralized and user-friendly way.

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command-line wallet

Easily perform transactions, query for blockchain data and manage deterministic keys.

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